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Bro Joe

Jon and Bro Joe at the Philadelphia zoo (top) and enjoying a day at the park (below left). Joe is a well-known magazine writer and has written several childrens books.

Joe and Jon in Philadelphia after Joe took
part in a humorous speaking competition for
the Toastmasters organization. Joe came in
second, absurdly losing to a guy who made a speech about socks.

Closing night of Measure for Measure

A card Joe sent on opening night of Hamlet

To satisy their guests' desire to meet Mickey Mouse, Disneyland came up with the brilliant idea of constructing "Mickey's House," where you can
tour the superstar rodent's crib and then enter
his private sanctum for a photo op. Actually
meeting Mickey is as solemn as having an
audience with the Pope, as only a small handful
of guests are allowed in at a time and absolutely
no monkey business is tolerated (when posing
for this picture, Joe was admonished by a park
employee for extending the victory sign behind
Mickey's ears with the reminder "He already has
two ears, sir!").

Jon and Joe with their buddy Ken at the Seaport restaurant in New Orleans, home of the best
pecan pie you can get anywhere.
A day at the park.

A night on the town.

Joe with a new pal.